Sep 18, 2016

Five Things About Me

Because I just know you want to know everything you can about me...

1.  I don’t have a bucket list.

In my opinion, bucket lists are for those people who are adventurous souls at heart, pushing the button of life to the extreme.  Pursuits like skydiving, swimming with sharks, or bungee-jumping are bullet points they’re determined to check off, one by one.  Nope.  Not this gal.

I keep lists too, but mine say things like, “get gas”, or “go to the grocery store”.  What can I say?  An adventurous soul, I am not.  I used to think that was a bad thing.  I tried to twist and conform my personality a certain way to go along with the crowd.  But that got old, and exhausting.  And so now, I don’t compare my list to anyone else’s.  If you want to run a marathon, I might join you, but I’ll most likely be standing on the sideline holding up an encouraging sign and passing you a cold refreshment.  Or maybe I’ll even be at home in the air conditioning, but you can bet I'll meet you afterwards for a fruity cocktail and some intense carb-loading. 

I might not have a bucket list, but that’s because my “to do” list is a million miles long...bucket-list be damned. 

2.  I adore Elvis Presley – but why?

Um...who doesn't?!?!  What a dreamboat!  Ooh la la!

Lots of people know about my Elvis-fetish, but they probably have all sorts of questions like how, why, when? 

I can't really tell you when it started, but I was young; in elementary school, maybe?  I remember my dad telling me that he went out to Vegas once to see him perform and during one of the breaks in the show, Elvis came up to my dad and asked him where he got his hair cut.  Is it true?  Well...he's my dad, so of course I believe everything he tells me!  Plus, there is a slight resemblance, don't you think?
I eventually came to realize that while I was born on August 19, 1977, Elvis died just 3 days before, on August 16, 1977.  From there, the obsession morphed.  I began to listen to his songs, read all I could about him and yes, I fell madly, deeply, in love.  On my 30th birthday, I walked through the doors of Graceland (more like floated), and that experience remains one of the most memorable moments of my life.  I started to tear up and my brother-in-law looked at me and said, "Are you crying?"  Uh...YES, I'M CRYING! 
Don't judge.

3.  I could eat ice cream pretty much every day – and I almost do
This is my number 1 downfall when it comes to sweets.  Candy bars are great, yes, and brownies are delightful, but I looooove me a great, big, ice cream cone.  Anything with peanut butter, please.  Or caramel.  Or Oreos.  Basically, if it doesn't have coconut in it, I'll eat it. 

4.  I cherish traditions.
Call me old-fashioned, but I thoroughly enjoy the familiarity of setting a tradition and keeping with it.  I find comfort in knowing that in this world of constant and chaotic change, there are those times in our lives when we can rest in the absolute. 

Some of my favorite traditions include Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I must have the movie 'A Christmas Story' on at all times, even if it's just playing in the background.  I cannot get enough of that Red Rider BB gun, or poor Ralphie's pink bunny suit.

Tradition is also found and deeply rooted in the Catholic faith, which is why the Mass is so important to me.  There is beauty in knowing that no matter where you are in this world, you can walk through the doors of a Catholic church, sit down in any pew, and celebrate the mass in a familiar way.  To some, it may seem as though all we do is sit and stand and genuflect at designated times, but there is a reason for it all.  And that reason is The Cross.

5.    I’m a vegetarian – newly born.
For just about 4 months now, I have been a full-fledged vegetarian.  Actually, I started out with just eliminating meat from my diet, but about a month into it, I decided that seafood needed to go as well.  I would provide a list of reasons as to why I took this on, but to be honest, you probably still wouldn't understand.  Thankfully, this has been a seamless transition for me and one I have yet to regret.

So...let's chat!  What's something that many people might now know about you?



1 comment:

  1. I usually burn things when I cook. My kids tease me about this. I don't know how this happens! I set timers, check often, but there's usually 2 or 3 burnt cookies in every batch.

    Oh, I eat pop corn almost every night.
