I've had a post ready and ruminating around in my mind to type up for quite some time now and then I saw the above on Instagram the other day and I stopped in my snow-covered tracks.
And I thought to myself, yes.
It’s been a full two weeks and a sprinkle of days since I’ve last blogged and as I figured, I’ve missed it. But, you know how it is. Life. Also, I really wanted to sink my snowflake pants and fleece-lined toes deep into the spirit of Christmas and trust me when I say that most definitely happened. There were so many Hallmark movies watched and DVR’d that I could easily describe in detail which were my favorite and which ones were even a bit too cheesy for this self-professed sap. Regardless, it was comfort and joy and peace on earth and good will toward men. Basically, it was a chestnuts-roasting-on-an-open-fire type of season. My absolute favorite of all. All things holiday.
But wouldn’t you know it? We’re in the second week of January already and this post that I wanted to get out a week ago is finally being crossed off my never ending to-do list. I’m looking at my calendar for the upcoming weeks and months ahead and time slots are quickly being filled in. I find myself telling people how I want to get together with them, but then subsequently saying, how does two weeks from next Friday work for you?
Which brings me back to this life-giving truth.
“All of our suffering in life is from saying we want one thing and doing another” - Debbie Ford
First and foremost, let me clarify, suffering I am not. That would be an overly dramatic and unnecessary way to describe how I’m feeling. However, I do realize that I need to reel myself back in time and time again. Rather than floating along out in the middle of the lake looking for a paddle, the sun is beginning to set along the horizon, which is my signal to come closer to shore.
I believe that most of our anxiety comes from doing that which doesn’t complete us. And by complete us, I mean, fill us. And so this New Year, I’m trying to check in more frequently with my inner-self to see if what I am doing is, indeed, filling me up. At the end of the day, do I look back and breathe a sigh of delight and satisfaction, or am I bundled up tighter than Randy in A Christmas Story?
I read a blog a couple of years ago about a woman who had decided to no longer make New Year’s Resolutions, but rather, she would pick one word that would encompass a goal she wanted to strive for that year. I loved this idea! I thought, maybe there's a word I could use as an anchor throughout the year so that when things feel out of control, I can come back to that one word to experience it’s true and original purpose.
I read a blog a couple of years ago about a woman who had decided to no longer make New Year’s Resolutions, but rather, she would pick one word that would encompass a goal she wanted to strive for that year. I loved this idea! I thought, maybe there's a word I could use as an anchor throughout the year so that when things feel out of control, I can come back to that one word to experience it’s true and original purpose.
And so, before 2016 even ceased to exist, I had my word. Everywhere I looked, there it was. As if it had been searching for me just as I long as I had been searching in return.
Next week, I'll be back from the middle of the lake and settled onto the shore where I belong, and I will share with you my one word for 2017. And possibly, even more important, how I'm valiantly striving to put it into action.
Tell me...
Has YOUR one word been revealed?